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Friday, 8 November 09:00~10:30 / Grand ballroom B,C
Chairs: Hong Kyu Lee, Kishio Nanjo
Soo Heon Kwak
Seoul National University, Korea
Prediction of type 2 diabetes in women with a history of gestational diabetes using a genetic risk score
Tien-Jyun Chang
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Genetic polymorphisms of PCSK2 on chromosome 20 QTL are associated with glucose homeostasis and progression to type 2 diabetes in a Chinese population
Tatsuya Kondo
Kumamoto University, Japan
Activation of heat shock response improves metabolic profiles in type 2 diabetes
Ronald C.W. Ma
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Genome-wide association study in a Chinese population identifies a novel locus for T2 DM